Our Services

A typical financial plan may cover any or all of the following areas:

Goal funding: We make sure you have the resources and liquid reserves to fund both short- and long-term expenditures. If you are about to retire, we will show you and your family ways to maintain your lifestyle when you are no longer working.

Risk management: We see one of our most important jobs as protecting you from any potential downside risk or liability. To achieve this, we will review your outstanding debt and your various insurance policies—life, disability, property and casualty, excess liability, etc.—to ensure you have the coverage you need.

Planning for retirement: We consider the tax efficient options you have for saving for your retirement, and make recommendations about the use of various vehicles. We will work with you to understand and incorporate into your planning other sources of retirement support including Social Security and Medicare. We analyze employer-sponsored pension and deferred compensation options to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit.

Giving: Working with your attorney, we will help you understand the charitable vehicles that are available to you, including donor advised funds, private foundations, and charitable remainder and lead trusts – and the tax advantages that they offer. Our goal will be to assist you in maximizing the overall impact to you and the charities you want to support.

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